How to best prepare for class

The article presents effective teaching preparation methods, such as early publication, review of previous material and anticipation of upcoming content. He underlines that active and organized preparation improves the learning process and makes classroom participation more effective.

We often don't think that preparing for class is part of the learning process, but studies have shown that a few simple habits can have a lasting impact on our experience.

Here are some useful tips on how to best prepare for class:

Arrive early

Try to get to class early, at least a few minutes before it starts. Many professors are there to chat with students beforehand, but even if they aren't, you can review teaching materials to get you into the right mindset and start learning as soon as class starts.

Another way to get ready for lessons is to use the travel time between classes mentally to prepare. Therefore, schedule your courses in your calendar with a free 10 to 15-minute block before they start so that you are not in a hurry and can use this travel time instead.

Check what was covered

Whether you're attending a lecture or section, reviewing material from previous classes or relevant reading can help prepare you for learning. It's best to do this right before class, but preparing the night before can also help you get the most out of class time.

Anticipate what's to come

Before class, try to think about what is likely to happen in the lecture or section. Is a specific topic being addressed? Are you expected to participate in a discussion? Do you need to have knowledge of a particular reading? If you've got some reading to do but aren't sure how to go about it before you hear the professor's opinion, here are a few tips:

  • Read the title and chapter goals. Skipping the title and chapter goals can be disadvantageous. It's virtually impossible to process information if you don't have an overarching framework to which you can apply it.
  • Read the chapter summary. The synopsis along with the information on the cover can look like a movie preview, arouse curiosity and create a bit of familiarity with the concepts.
  • Skip through the chapter by reading the subheadings and looking at the content under those headings. Start by connecting what you see in the text and images with what you already know.
  • Identify vocabulary that is unknown to you so that you are not intimidated when you encounter the same term (s) again in class. Also note down questions that arise during lecture preparation.

Verify comprehension

As part of your preparation for class, try to evaluate your understanding of the course material. Are there any questions you have about the material? Things you're still confused about? Bring this confusion into class and use the time to sort things out that you don't understand.

Formulate questions and comments

If you're going to a class where you can actively participate, try to have your questions or comments ready in advance. You may not be able to ask all of your questions or contribute with the comments you bring, but you will likely participate more actively if you come prepared with these things.

Be organized (or at least look that way!)

Make sure you have everything you need for the lesson with you when it starts. You don't want to look for readings that you haven't already opened on your desktop, or have everyone scrolling to a specific page in text that you don't have at hand. Try to appear alert and alert during class, as this will actually help you to be more alert and alert and therefore make better use of your time in the classroom!

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“Well-prepared participation in class is not just a question of punctuality, but an active process of reviewing, anticipating and organizing that profoundly improves learning.”

Source: Academic Resource Center at Havard University (

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