How to best adapt your learning style to AI-powered learning methods

AI tools are revolutionizing dual studies through personalized learning tools such as AI-based summaries, AI-generated flashcards and individual tutor AI support, which help students learn more efficiently and save valuable time. This technology enables dual students to individually adapt their learning and to discover the best learning strategies for them through their own experiences.

Save time in dual studies with AI: Discover new ways for efficient learning

In your dual study program, a demanding combination of study and work, artificial intelligence (AI) can become a powerful ally. It offers innovative solutions that are specifically designed to save you time and optimize your learning. Let's dive deeper into three key aspects that can transform your study experience: AI-powered summaries, AI-generated flashcards, and tutor AI support.

AI-powered summaries

Imagine you're faced with the challenge of reading a comprehensive report on the latest marketing strategies for your next exam — in addition to your full working week. This is where AI-powered summary tools can come into play. They scan the report and present you with a precise summary of key concepts within minutes. This allows you to quickly grasp the main points without having to work through hundreds of pages and gives you more time to apply what you have learned in practical projects.

AI-generated flashcards

Let's say you're preparing for a business exam, but you don't have the time to create flashcards. AI-generated flashcards can help here. Based on your textbooks or scripts, the AI creates individual flashcards that cover key terms and definitions. This not only saves hours of manual preparation, but also ensures that you focus on the most important content to maximize your exam preparation.

Tutor AI

Let's say you're struggling with complex statistical analyses at night while your fellow students and teachers aren't available. A tutor AI can provide immediate, personalized support in such moments. She explains the concepts with tailor-made examples, guides you through calculations and adapts the learning pace to your needs. This allows you to learn and make progress even outside of normal class hours, which is invaluable, especially in dual studies.

The individuality of AI learning

The beauty of learning with AI is that it's a highly personalized experience. Since this technology is still relatively new, it offers you the unique opportunity to discover through your own experience how you can best use it for your studies. You might find that certain AI-powered tools are a better fit for your learning style than others, or you might experiment with different AI tutoring systems to find the ideal support. This process of trying out and adapting is not only exciting but also immensely valuable as it helps you refine and optimize your learning strategies.


Using AI in dual studies means taking a step towards a more efficient and effective learning process. With AI-powered summaries, you can quickly get to the heart of a topic, AI-generated flashcards help you memorize effectively, and tutor AI gives you personalized assistance right when you need it. By familiarizing yourself with the various AI tools through your own experience, you can take full advantage of this technology. Use the power of AI to not only master your dual study program, but also enjoy it, while saving valuable time and building up deeper knowledge.

“With AI by your side, every learning barrier is transformed into a step on the ladder to success.”

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