Save money smartly in student life! Discover simple tips and tricks on how to save your account with discounts, budget planning and smart everyday ideas — without sacrificing fun.
Savings instead of a bankrupt student: With these tips, your account will stay full!
As a student, the budget is often tight. Between tuition fees, rent and everyday expenses, there is usually not much left over to treat yourself to a little something. Nevertheless, there are many ways to make ends meet even with a small income. Here are a few practical tips on how you can save money as a student without sacrificing the essentials.
1. Set up a budget
The key to keeping track of your finances is a budget plan. It might sound a bit stuffy, but that's the only way you can see where your money is going and where you have potential to save money. Sit down, list your monthly income and expenses, and see what's left over. Apps such as MoneyControl, Financial guru or simply an Excel spreadsheet helps you keep an eye on everything.
2nd Take advantage of student discounts
Whether at the cinema, shopping or at the gym — as a student, you get discounts in many places. Your student ID It's worth gold here! Sites such as Unidays or Student Beans collect and list many such offers, but it is also worth asking offline. Also many major online services such as spotify or amazon offer discounts specifically for students.
Tip: Always ask for a discount, small shops or local restaurants often offer discounts without making a big announcement.
3rd Secondhand instead of new
Whether it's clothing, furniture or electronics — it doesn't always have to be new. Especially as a student, you can save a lot of money if you buy used stuff. Platforms such as Vinted, eBay classifieds or Shpock are full of cheap bargains. Flea markets and thrift stores are also a great opportunity not only to buy cheaply, but also to live more sustainably.
Why buy expensive bookshelves when someone in the neighborhood is giving away theirs?
4th Buy or borrow used books
Textbooks can really go into money. But before you buy everything new, have a look at the University library Stop by or ask older classmates if they sell their old books. You can also find online platforms such as Medimops or booklooker used books at a fraction of the original price.
Extra tip: Some publishers also offer free access to research literature with your Uni-ID.
5th Cook yourself instead of eating out
Anyone who eats out regularly or orders food quickly realizes that the costs add up. You can save a lot by cooking yourself — and it's often healthier! Plan your meals for the week, buy cheaply from discounters such as Aldi or Lidl One and cook larger batches that you can freeze.
If there is no time to cook, yours offers Unimensa a good and cheap alternative.
6th Cancel unnecessary subscriptions
You quickly subscribe to several streaming services or pay for the gym, but rarely go there. Take a look at your subscriptions once a month and think about which ones you really need. Often, one is enough streaming service, or you share the subscription with friends or roommates.
Many universities offer free or cheap sports courses on — a good alternative to an expensive gym.
7. Part-time jobs and scholarships
If saving alone isn't enough, you can earn some extra money with a side job. Particularly popular are Working student jobsbecause they are well paid and offer professional experience at the same time. But also classic student jobs such as waiters or Give tutoring are flexible and allow you to earn money on the side.
Also find out about stipends — there are many grants that are not only reserved for high-flyers.
8th WG instead of single apartment
Rent is usually the biggest item in a student's budget. People who live alone often pay high prices, especially in big cities. One WG That can be a real relief. You share rent, utilities and often things like internet or groceries with your roommates.
In addition to cost savings, living in a shared apartment also offers the opportunity to meet new people.
Saving money as a student isn't always easy, but it's possible. With a few little tricks and some planning, you can keep your finances well under control. Whether by taking advantage of discounts, buying second-hand items, or cooking instead of eating out — every small saving is noticeable at the end of the month.
If you consciously manage your everyday life and avoid unnecessary expenses, you can get the most out of your time at university — without constantly being broke.
Ready to enjoy your student life to the fullest? Start now with these tips and save smartly!
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