How to optimize memory and attention for your learning phase during your studies

The blog article emphasizes the importance of memorization as a basis for understanding and developing knowledge. It offers practical tips for improving memory, concentration and dealing with distractions.

To remember

While it's true that memorizing information in our mind isn't the same as understanding that information, memorizing it still plays an important role in our learning process. We cannot further develop our knowledge in any subject area if we do not remember the basic components on which this knowledge is based.

Here are a few tips to improve your memory:

Avoid cramming for tests!

Information that is crammed into the head just before a test is not reliably anchored in long-term memory. This makes it difficult to deepen your understanding as the course progresses.

Beware of deceptions due to apparent knowledge!

Deception through apparent knowledge is the feeling of understanding a concept that you don't actually understand. To avoid this deception, test yourself at various intervals on the subject matter, without notes and documents.

Schedule learning sessions.

Since we forget things over time, we need to set aside time to solidify the concepts we want to remember. Schedule review and self-test sessions into your schedule at scheduled and regular intervals. Time for review and self-testing helps you learn the information in depth for the future and saves you the hassle of cramming during exam time!

Create mnemonics or memory palaces.

Use mnemonics or memory palaces to remember lists. For example, many math students use the mnemonic device “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” (PEMDAS) to remember the order of operations in complex equations — brackets, exponents, multiplying, dividing, adding, subtracting. You can create your own mnemonics or memory palaces to remember all sorts of things. Not sure how to do that? Just visit our blog regularly, where you will receive this knowledge.

Find time to move and sleep.

Exercise and sleep both improve memory, so make sure you get enough of both!

Maintain attention

It can be difficult to manage distractions and focus while studying, especially when you're sharing a space with others.

Here are a few tips for reducing distractions:

Use do not disturb signs and website blockers.

If your phone or the Internet distracts you on your computer, use “Do Not Disturb” signs and website blockers (e.g. Freedom, Cold Turkey Blocker). Also consider putting your cell phone in another room or at least keeping it out of sight. Studies show that productivity drops the closer we are to our cell phones (even when they're turned off!).

Use a distraction pad.

Have a notebook handy at your workplace. When your mind wanders and you think of something important, write it down on your distraction pad. Knowing that you can return to that thought later helps you focus on one task at a time and makes you more likely to complete them.

Take strategic breaks.

When your brain needs a break, take one. Ideally, plan these breaks in advance at reasonable intervals (no longer than an hour without any kind of break). Planning breaks can help you avoid overworking yourself or taking a break just because you're bored. If you've decided on a break time, treat yourself to the break without feeling guilty and then return to work when your planned break comes to an end. Many people use the Pomodoro Technique, which takes them a 5-minute break after studying for 25 minutes, but feel free to experiment with different intervals to find what works best for you. When deciding what to do with your break, try to choose activities that don't derail your intention to return to work. For many students, this means continuing to avoid social media and emails, as these activities often distract them from work for longer than intended. Instead, you could try stretching, walking around the room, getting a fresh glass of water, etc.

Here are a few tips for increasing concentration:

listen to music.

Listening to music, especially classical music or music in a language you don't speak, can increase some people's concentration. While there's no clear scientific explanation for why some people's attention seems to improve when music is playing, you can experiment and see if it works for you. You may not prefer any noise at all, in which case you could invest in a white noise machine or noise-canceling headphones to help you maintain concentration.

Set yourself a goal.

Before you listen to a lecture or go through your reading, decide what you want to gain from it. Is there a specific question that you would like answered? Are you just hoping to have fun and learn some things? Having a goal can help you focus because it forces you to actively seek a specific outcome from an experience or activity rather than just passively absorbing or carrying it out.

Take notes.

Take notes while reading or in class. If you take notes, it is likely that you are also paying attention to what the lecturer is saying. Handwritten notes are usually better because you usually can't write down every word that your lecturer says and therefore have to actively process the material.

Participate in class discussions.

If you participate in class discussions, you'll be more likely to hear what others are saying and think more deeply about the topic. It's harder to distract yourself from a discussion when you're part of it because you're actively looking for ways to contribute and move the discussion forward. Try to review the topic of the class the night before and write down three possible questions and/or connections to previous material. Even if you don't say anything, you'll learn a lot more. (Plus, you can always email your professor after class to share a comment or insight you couldn't share in class!)

Use a fidget toy.

Using, doodling, and knitting a fidget toy has all been shown to help people focus and can be done during a lecture or while reading. Just be careful not to do this in environments where a lecturer might interpret these activities as signs of boredom or where they might distract others.

Chew chewing gum.

Chewing gum can increase alertness, which can help you stay alert. Some instructors even recommend chewing gum during tests, as this can help channel some of your nervous energy and allow you to focus on work!

Go for a walk

Exercise is good for your brain because it increases blood flow and oxygen levels, both of which increase your concentration. You could try taking a walk around the block or experimenting with more intensive training before your work sessions. Consciously planning time for exercise could be particularly helpful if anxiety makes you uneasy as you learn.

Our tip for you:

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“Consciously planning time for exercise could be particularly helpful if anxiety makes you uneasy as you learn.”

Source: Academic Resource Center at Havard University (

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