New subject, new luck: How to successfully rediscover your path

A change of subject is advisable when enthusiasm, achievement, or the fit of the environment decreases. It can help you find your own interests and goals better.

Studying is an exciting but also challenging phase in life. Sometimes, however, you find that the chosen subject doesn't suit you as well as you thought at the beginning. It's normal to ask yourself if you're on the right track. Here are five signs that can help you figure out whether it's time to think about changing your subject.

1. Enthusiasm is gone

At the beginning of a course of study, you are often full of energy and enthusiasm. However, if you notice that your enthusiasm for the topics in your field of study has diminished and that you torment yourself at lectures and seminars rather than listen curiously, that could be a sign that you should look for something else. When passion is missing, it is not only your commitment that suffers, but also the learning outcomes.

2. Your performance is weak despite effort

Everyone has a bad day or a bad grade, that's completely normal. But if you find that your performance is steadily declining even though you're working hard, that may be an indication that the subject isn't right for you. Perhaps you don't understand the subject matter correctly or lack the motivation to deal with it intensively. Another subject could help you make better use of your strengths.

3. You're constantly doubting your choice

If you regularly ask yourself whether you have chosen the right subject and these doubts get louder and louder, that's a clear sign. Perhaps you notice that your interests and talents lie elsewhere or that other subjects would be more exciting for you. These constant questions can put an additional burden on studies and make it difficult to concentrate on the current field of study.

4. You feel uncomfortable in the study environment

Not only the subject itself, but also the environment can have a major influence on your studies. If you feel that you are not in the right hands in seminars or in a university environment, this could be an indication that you would feel more comfortable in another subject. Perhaps the methodology or focus of the subject doesn't match the way you work or your character.

5. You dream of a different professional future

If you constantly imagine yourself working in a professional field that has little to do with your current field of study, it may be time for a change. Your studies should not only provide you with academic knowledge, but also lay the foundation for your professional future. If your career dreams don't match your field of study, a change may make sense to better achieve your goals.

6. How do I find out whether the decision to change my current degree program is the right one?

The question of whether changing a course of study is the right decision can often only be answered afterwards. But there are ways to minimize the risk of a mistake. A good first step is to gather as much information as possible about the potentially new degree program before you finally give up on the old one. This could mean researching alternative courses of study, attending lectures on a trial basis, or exchanging ideas with students who are already studying the new degree program. Testimonials on the Internet can also be helpful. It is important to take time and not make hasty decisions. Switching is completely okay, but it may be wise to test the new option first. In this way, you can ensure that you choose the right path and avoid unnecessary uncertainties. This approach can have several benefits for you:

1.Minimize risks: You prevent yourself from making a hasty decision and possibly ending up in a degree program that doesn't suit you either.

2nd Better basis for decision-making: By collecting information, talking to students and testing lectures, you get a realistic picture of the new degree program. This allows you to better assess whether it actually matches your interests and strengths.

3rd stress reduction: By taking your time and approaching the change process carefully, you avoid unnecessary stress and pressure that could result from ill-considered decisions.

4th Receiving options: While you explore the new degree program, you can still stay in your current degree program. This gives you the security of coming back at any time if the new path is not right for you after all.


Changing your field of study is an important decision and should be carefully considered. If you recognize yourself in one or more of the above signs, it's a good idea to talk to a student advisor or do your own research. Most universities offer such consulting services. Your studies should not only provide you with knowledge, but also bring you joy and prepare you for your professional future. Find a path that suits you and in which you feel completely comfortable. A change of subject is by no means a sign of failure. On the contrary, it shows that you know yourself well and are ready to break new ground. Many students only realize during their studies that their interests are changing, and a change of subject can help to meet these new interests. It's important to find a degree that matches your strengths and passions. A detour can often be the key to seeing your goals more clearly and achieving them successfully. Remember: You are the blacksmith of your own fortune.

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