Starting the new semester with ease: 5 tips for a stress-free start

5 simple tips on how to start the new semester easily and stress-free. Starting the new semester can be overwhelming, but with a few simple tips, you can stay organized and relaxed: Plan your courses and deadlines ahead, make new contacts, find your ideal place to study and ensure a healthy balance between learning and breaks. Don't forget to ask for help when you need it — this will help you get through the semester successfully and stress-free!

The new semester is just getting started, and so that you don't burst your head with all the new lectures, people and impressions, I've collected a few short and useful ideas to help you prepare yourself perfectly for the new semester and everything that's to come.

1. Organize before chaos breaks loose

I know it sounds a bit stuffy, but a bit of organization at the beginning of the semester can really save your life — or at least nerves. Grab an old-fashioned weekly planner or use an app to keep track of your courses, exams, and deadlines. And let's be honest: Who doesn't love checking off to-do lists? Another tip: use paint! If you color code your lectures, you have a much better overview and know immediately what's next. In your free time, read through a few course-relevant texts and get an overview of possible additional information so that you don't get overwhelmed when you start the seminars and have more time for yourself during the semester.

2. New people? Always bring it in!

Believe it or not, the people you meet in the first few weeks could stay by your side for a long time. So don't be shy: Just talk to someone who is sitting next to you. Maybe there will be a cool study group or you'll end up together in the canteen after the lecture. And who knows, this might create friendships for life or useful contacts for later. Networking starts at university — sounds cliché, but it's true! If you think you can't do that, feel free to take a look at our article: “From lecture hall to happy hour: How to make friends during your studies (without being creepy)”

3. Find your personal feel-good place to study

Whether it's a library, a café or their own desk — everyone has their own feel-good place where learning simply goes better. Find out where you can best concentrate. You should like your study space — so make yourself comfortable! A little decoration or a nice drink can do wonders. The right study spot is often more motivating than you think. And hey, it's not about cramming for hours on end. The main thing is that you get into your flow well, because university should not only be stressful but also fun.

4. Find balance: Learning and taking breaks are equally important

Yes, studying is important, but you don't have to break yourself up! Take breaks and maintain a good balance. Go for a walk, exercise, or watch your current favorite Netflix series — whatever helps you unwind. But learning isn't fun and healthy in the long run. Your free time is just as important as studying, so try to find a rhythm that balances both. You'll see: With breaks, learning is much better!

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help

You don't understand a lecture or don't know how to tackle an assignment? No problem! Just ask. It is completely normal not to check everything immediately, and most lecturers or fellow students are happy when they can help. Whether in office hours, in a study group or simply the person next door in the auditorium — there is always help somewhere. And remember: Even though it sometimes seems like everyone else has everything under control — that's usually just a façade. Let's start the new semester! You're ready!

Our tip for you:

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