Learning strategies for German studies: How to get through your studies with Goethe in mind

The article offers five effective learning strategies for students of German studies: targeted reading, mind maps, active participation in seminars, regular writing, and constant repetition. These tips help you to better organize your studies and understand literary content more efficiently.

Studying German language and literature is exciting and varied, but it also poses some challenges. The wealth of literary works, linguistic theories and historical connections can be overwhelming. It is therefore important to approach the matter with a good plan and effective learning strategies. Here are five tips that can help you successfully complete your studies.

1. Targeted and intensive reading

Reading is part of the core business of every German language and literature student. But it's not just about reading lots of books, it's about actually penetrating the texts. A proven approach is that targeted reading: Read the text first to get an overall impression. During the second round, you can then pay specific attention to literary techniques, central motifs or specific topics. It's helpful to mark important passages and take notes — you can use these later for your homework or seminar papers. In general, the more often you do this, the faster these processes are automated.

2. Mind maps as a reminder

In German studies, you are often expected to be able to establish connections between different works, authors and literary periods, as the study attaches great importance to its interdisciplinary connections. A good way to keep track of things is Mind maps. This allows you to visually present connections and complex content. For example, a mind map can help you illustrate the different literary trends or analyze an author's recurring topics. This gives you an overview and allows you to visually structure your knowledge.

3. Actively shape seminars

Discussions and exchange about literary texts and theories are an essential part of studying German language and literature. Actively participate in organizing seminars is therefore essential. Read the texts in advance, look for further scientific or literary texts and think of questions or your own theses that you can contribute. This not only deepens your understanding, but also prepares you optimally for your exams. You will also learn to express your opinion clearly and to represent it in the group. Don't be afraid to participate actively — studying is not like school, and active participation is appreciated here.

4. Regular writing

Essays, assignments and exams are part of the everyday life of a German language and literature student. To get better here, you should regularly Writing exercises do. These can be short summaries of texts read or reflections on seminar content. It is important that you practice expressing your thoughts precisely and trying out different ways of reasoning. Writing regularly not only helps you in exams, but also promotes your ability to independently develop ideas and implement them in writing.

5. Repeat and connect

In German studies, knowledge of works, authors and theories is constantly building up. That is why repeat regularly decisively. Create summaries of your lectures and seminars and review them regularly. Index cards on which you write down questions and answers are a handy tool. This is not just about factual knowledge, but above all about understanding relationships and applying theories. With our index cards and summary tools from Learnboost, you can also implement this digitally in a very simple and time-saving way.


Studying German language and literature requires a lot from you — analytical thinking, creativity in dealing with texts and good organization. With these five learning strategies — targeted reading, mind maps, active participation in seminars, regular writing exercises and continuous repetition — you are well equipped to successfully complete your studies. In this way, you can not only improve your performance, but also develop a deeper relationship with the German language and literature.

Our tip for you:

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