The best ways to learn law

Read more about a comprehensive introduction to effective learning strategies for law students here, with a focus on repetition, understanding before memorization, and group work to consolidate and apply what they have learned. The importance of time management, the use of digital tools, visualization techniques and the practical application of strategies in everyday student life in order to successfully master the study of law is also becoming clear.

I'm glad you're here! You will probably be faced with the challenge of completing your law degree with flying colors. Don't worry, we'll dive right into the matter. The methods presented here are based on practical knowledge and experience. Ready? Then let's get started!

Overview of effective learning strategies

Before we go in depth, it's important to get an overview. There are numerous learning strategies, but not all are equally effective when it comes to studying law.

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Repetition and regular practice

Repetition is the basis of successful learning. Repeating the material you have learned regularly strengthens the knowledge.

One tip is to create a learning plan that includes regular repetition phases. This allows you to remember what you have learned for longer.

Understanding before memorizing

When studying law, it is crucial not only to learn the subject matter by heart, but also to understand it. Attempts to recognize the connections between different areas of law.

A good understanding enables you to apply what you have learned flexibly and to master even complex issues.

Group work and discussion

Learning in groups can be very effective, particularly when studying law. Through discussions with fellow students, you can deepen your understanding and get to know different perspectives.

Look for learning partners who are motivated and have similar goals as you. Together, you can support and motivate each other.

Evaluation of the various strategies

Not every learning method has the same effect on everyone. It's important to try out different approaches and evaluate which work best for you.

Effectiveness of repetition

Repetition is a proven way to consolidate knowledge. The challenge is to find the balance between repetition too often and too infrequently.

Regular, scheduled repetitions seem to be the most effective for most students.

Comprehension vs. memorization

A deep understanding of a topic enables a more flexible application of knowledge. Learning by heart can be helpful in the short term, but it doesn't lead to the same success in the long term.

Studies show that students who really understand the subject matter do better in exams and in practice.

group work

The effectiveness of group work depends heavily on group dynamics and the attitude of the participants. It can be very effective in a motivated and goal-oriented group.

It is important that all group members actively participate and are willing to share their knowledge.

Tips for faster learning

Time is often scarce, especially when studying. Here are a few tips to make learning more efficient.

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time management

A good study plan is essential. Plan your study times and stick to them. Don't forget to schedule breaks to avoid congestion.

The Pomodoro Technique can help you stay focused and use study time effectively.

Using digital tools

There are numerous apps and online platforms that can support learning. From flashcard apps to forums for law students and, of course, Learnboost — use the resources available.

But be careful: Don't be distracted by digital opportunities. Use them purposefully and consciously.


Visualization techniques can help to better understand complex relationships. Create diagrams, mind maps, or flow charts to structure what you've learned.

These techniques not only promote understanding but also memory.

Studying law is demanding, but with the right strategies and a good dose of discipline, you can master it. Try out different methods and see what works best for you. Good luck!

Deepening learning strategies

To dive even deeper into effective learning strategies, it's important to take a closer look at specific techniques.

Elaborative interrogation

This technique is about asking questions that promote understanding. Instead of just repeating information, try to internalize the material in the form of questions and answers.

By interviewing yourself and formulating the answers, you train your comprehension and ability to remember.

Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is a method in which you repeat the subject matter at certain intervals of time. This helps to remember the knowledge in the long term.

There are various apps and tools that support Spaced Repetition Learning and can help you achieve your learning goals.


Metacognition refers to awareness of one's own thought processes and learning strategies. By reflecting on and adapting your learning methods, you can learn more efficiently and effectively.

Regularly review your learning process and consider which strategies work well and which can be improved.

Practical application in everyday student life

The best learning strategies are only effective if you apply them consistently in everyday student life. Here are some tips on how you can put the theoretical concepts into practice.

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Preparation of summaries

Creating summaries can help you structure the material and compress important information. Try to summarize the key points of a topic in your own words.

You can then use these summaries to review and serve as a quick reference before exams.

Active participation in class

Be active in class or in lectures. Ask questions, discuss with your fellow students and try to apply what you've learned directly.

By actively participating, you deepen your understanding and can answer open questions.

Establish practical relevance

Try to put what you've learned into a practical context. Search for case studies, recent court rulings, or practical projects to make theoretical knowledge more tangible.

The practical relevance not only helps you understand, but also prepares you better for future professional challenges.

Consistent use of effective learning strategies in everyday student life will help you successfully complete your law degree. Stay motivated and keep an eye on your goal!

Our tip for you:

Would you like to save yourself even more time and learn more productively? Then our all-in-one study app Learnboost is perfect for you (start for free). This allows you to create well-structured summaries and flashcards with AI at the push of a button. Study Mode seamlessly helps you learn by heart and repeat. You can answer questions and clarify complex subjects directly with Learnboost's Tutor AI. Good luck with productive learning preparation, memorization and reminders for your exams and learning phases!

Learnboost is the only AI study app you'll ever need. Your all-in-one solution for more productive learning in no time.

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