The best learning methods for teaching subjects

This article provides a comprehensive guide for student teachers to use effective learning methods. It covers strategies such as distributed learning and elaborative interrogation, evaluates their effectiveness and gives practical tips for their application in everyday life. Readers are encouraged to create a structured learning plan, set clear goals, and use modern technologies to optimize their learning.

I'm glad you decided to read this article. You are probably faced with the challenge of finding effective learning methods for your teaching subjects. Don't worry, we'll dive right into the topic. The methods presented here are based on well-founded scientific findings and are specifically designed for teacher training students.

In this article, you will find a carefully selected selection of learning strategies that will help you successfully complete your studies. We rate each strategy according to its effectiveness and give you practical tips on how you can best integrate it into your everyday learning routine.

Overview of effective learning strategies

Before we go in depth, let's take a look at the learning strategies we'll be covering in this article. These strategies are not only theoretically sound, but have also proven effective in practice.

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Distributed learning

Distributed learning, also known as spaced repetition, is a technique in which learning content is repeated over a longer period of time. Studies show that this method strengthens long-term memory and is therefore ideal for learning large amounts of information.

To use this technique effectively, you should divide your learning material into smaller units and repeat them over several days or weeks. This not only promotes memory, but also prevents the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Elaborative interrogation

Elaborative interrogation is a method in which you ask yourself questions about the subject matter in order to develop a deeper understanding. By trying to find the answers to these questions, you are actively promoting your critical thinking skills and understanding of complex relationships.

This technique is particularly suitable for subjects that require understanding concepts and theories. It can be used alone as well as in study groups.

Evaluation of learning strategies

Now that we've learned some of the most effective learning strategies, it's time to evaluate them. We differentiate between less effective, mediocre and very effective strategies.

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Less effective strategies

There are certain learning methods that, although widely used, are less effective. This includes, for example, pure memorization without understanding. This method often leads to short-term success, but the knowledge is not retrievable in the long term.

Mediocre effective strategies

Mediocre effective strategies can be useful in certain situations, but they shouldn't be the basis of your learning. This includes, for example, simply reading texts without actively engaging with the content.

Very effective strategies

Very effective strategies, such as distributed learning and elaborative interrogation, promote not only the short-term retention of information, but also the long-term understanding and application of what has been learned. These methods should form the core of your learning strategy.

Tips for implementation in everyday learning

Knowing effective learning strategies is the first step. Now it's time to integrate these strategies into your everyday life. Here are a few tips on how to best do that.

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Planning is everything

Create a learning plan that includes both distributed learning and time for elaborative interrogation. A well-structured plan helps you stay on track and keep track of things.

Set yourself clear goals

Define clear learning objectives for each lesson. This helps you stay focused and measure your progress. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Use modern technologies

There are numerous apps and online tools that support distributed learning and elaborative interrogation. Use these tools to make your learning process more efficient and effective.

By following the strategies and tips presented here, you will not only improve your ability to learn, but also come a long way towards your goal of being a successful student teacher. Good luck!

Our tip for you:

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