Business studies: 5 learning strategies so that you don't just shine with a polo shirt and coffee mug

Studying business administration gives you many opportunities, but it can also be challenging. With the right learning strategies, you will not only master the subject matter, but also develop important skills for your later career. Here are five tips to get the most out of your studies:

So you've decided to study business — congratulations! You've embarked on an exciting path that can open many doors for you later on. But before we head to management, there are a few semesters full of theories, models and lots of material. You can quickly lose track of things there. But don't worry: With the right learning strategies, this is easy to master. I have five tips for you that will help you get through your studies in a relaxed and efficient way — and make the best of it!

1. Structured and targeted learning

Studying business requires that you not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also understand it and be able to apply it in practice. Many students make the mistake of simply learning the lecture slides by heart. This is often not enough to really penetrate complex topics. Instead, you should try to develop the content step by step. A proven approach is to roughly grasp the topics before you go deeper into the details. Summarize larger concepts before you delve into the finer points. It helps you to consider how the models and theories can be used in practice. This will quickly tell you whether you have really understood the topic. Mark important places and create notes that you can use to repeat later. In this way, you take a targeted approach and create a basis that you can draw on in exams and case studies.

2. Use mind maps and charts

BWL is full of concepts that can be built on and linked together — whether it concerns corporate structures, marketing strategies or financing models. Visual aids such as mind maps or diagrams can be a real relief here. They help you to clearly present complex relationships and understand the overall picture. Imagine you want to explain the individual phases of a product life cycle. With a mind map, you can visually represent these phases and arrange the relevant terms around them, which helps you to remember the content better. Such visual aids are particularly useful when preparing for exams, as you can quickly repeat the most important points. Diagrams, for example to illustrate business models, also make it easier to record the subject matter in a structured way.

3. Actively participate in seminars and lectures

Active participation is an important key to success in business studies. Lectures and seminars offer the perfect opportunity to deepen your knowledge and receive direct feedback. In contrast to school, university is less about listening silently and more about actively helping to shape it. And this is exactly where you can score points. Prepare yourself well for seminars: Read the case studies and texts, think of your own questions or theses that you can contribute to the discussion. In this way, you will deepen your understanding and at the same time train to analyse economic relationships. You will also familiarise yourself with practice, as many tasks in business studies are designed to prepare you for professional problems. Anyone who is actively involved not only has better chances of learning the subject matter sustainably, but also more fun with the topics.

4. Edit writing exercises and case studies

Regular writing is part of studying business, whether in the form of term papers, essays or exams. But don't worry, writing is also a matter of practice. The more you write, the more confident you become. It is particularly helpful to incorporate small writing exercises into your everyday learning routine. These don't always have to be extensive — short summaries of theories or reflections on seminar content are often enough to prepare you for exams. Working on case studies is also a must in business studies. It is about analyzing real problems and developing proposed solutions. The more you do this, the more experienced you become. At the same time, you will train your ability to take on different perspectives and to understand complex economic relationships.

5. Repeat and link regularly

In business studies, the content often builds on each other. Many of the basic theories and models that you learn at the beginning reappear later and are applied in new contexts. This is why regular repetition is particularly important. Set fixed times to review your summaries, mind maps, and notes. Index cards can also be helpful here. Write down key terms or theories and practice them continuously. A digital approach is also available: With flashcard apps, you can review specific topics and track your learning progress. Repeating doesn't have to be boring — it's important that you combine the content with new knowledge over and over again. In doing so, you not only consolidate your knowledge, but also develop a deep understanding of the connections between the individual subject areas.


Business studies are demanding but easy to master with the right learning strategies. Structured learning plans, the use of visual aids such as mind maps, active participation in seminars and regular writing are crucial to tackling the plethora of topics. In addition, continuous repetition and linking of content is the key to being successful in the long term. With these five tips, you can not only improve your performance, but also master your business studies as an exciting and practical challenge. And who knows, you might even come out with a whole new look at the world of business — ready to apply what you've learned at work too!

Our tip for you:

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