5 tips for a good start to university: How to rock student life without stress!

Starting your studies can be overwhelming, but with a bit of organization, openness to new people and a relaxed approach to challenges, you can master this exciting time. Find your personal learning system, don't be afraid to connect and seek help, and enjoy the freedom and experiences that student life offers.

Wow, congratulations! You're now officially ae Studentsr — that's really exciting! A new city, new people and a lot of freedom are waiting for you. Sure, that can also be a bit intimidating. Suddenly you are faced with the question: How do I organize myself correctly? Where can I find the best parties and how do I not get lost in the subject matter? Don't panic, that's the case for many! Every freshman has asked himself these questions before. To make your start into university life a bit easier, I've put together five cool tips for you here. With these tricks, you can start this new adventure in a relaxed way!

1. Find your organizational tool — but let yourself breathe

Perhaps you've already thought about the best way to organize your studies. It doesn't matter whether you are a team paper calendar or a team digital app. The only important thing is that you find a method for yourself that works and helps you to keep track of things. Because, especially at the beginning, the amount of information can quickly be overwhelming: lectures, seminars, tutorials — and then all the deadlines. Good time management is worth its weight in gold. But don't let yourself be stressed out by the idea that everything has to be perfectly timed out. You don't have to meticulously plan everything from morning to evening every day. Also give yourself space and be flexible. After all, university time includes not only timpani, but also spontaneous coffee with new friends or simply a free afternoon. So get organized, but stay relaxed!

2. Make contacts

The first day at university often feels like the first day of school — you barely know anyone, everything is new and a bit anonymous. Maybe you're sitting in a huge auditorium and wondering how you're supposed to connect with all the hustle and bustle. But don't worry, it's the same for everyone. Everyone is a bit disoriented at the beginning and is happy when someone takes the first step. So be brave and talk to people! Whether in the canteen, while waiting for the professor or after the lecture, opportunities are everywhere. A simple small talk about the last seminar or the question of whether someone knows where the next room is is is often enough to start a conversation. If you are unsure, resolve to simply smile in a friendly way; this often automatically develops into a conversation. And don't worry if it doesn't work with every click. You'll notice that the university brings so many different people together that sooner or later the right people will find each other. Sometimes it is precisely the chance encounters that lead to the best friendships.

3. Don't put yourself under pressure

At university, you'll quickly notice that there is always someone who seems to know everything, always someone who stands out in the discussions, and always someone who gets an A on the exam. Don't let that stress you out! Comparing yourself to others rarely gets you anywhere — especially because everyone has a different pace. It's okay not to understand everything right away or to have a lecture in which you feel completely lost. This is also part of studying. The learning curve is steep, and sometimes it just takes time for the connections to become clearer. If you don't pass an exam or don't get the grade you were hoping for, don't worry. Perfection is overrated when studying.

4. Seek help — you don't have to do everything alone

There are those moments when everything grows over your head: The material piles up, the deadlines are approaching, and then suddenly everything seems to be happening at the same time. At such points, it's important to know that you're not alone. There are plenty of points of contact at every university if you need help — whether professionally or personally. Don't hesitate to use tutorials, study groups, or professors' office hours. Many universities also offer special workshops on learning techniques or time management, which can make it easier for you to deal with the subject matter. If you feel that everything is becoming too much for you, there are also psychological counseling centers that will help you with advice and assistance. It's absolutely okay to get help, it just shows that you're taking responsibility for yourself.

5. Enjoy the time

With all the stress that studying sometimes entails, you must not forget one thing: This time will be one of the most exciting and formative phases of your life. You'll meet new people who may be in your life forever. You'll discover new cities and towns, overcome challenges and at the end look back on those years with a smile. Enjoy the feeling of freedom that comes when you make your own decisions, study through the nights for exams for the first time, and the pride when you've completed a difficult task. Student life is a very special time, so be aware of moments in which you simply enjoy it.

Conclusion: Stay relaxed and find your own rhythm

Starting your studies is like jumping into deep water. But the nice thing is: You'll soon realize that it's not as cold as you thought. With the right amount of organization, openness and composure, you get along well. And the most important thing: Don't put yourself under too much pressure, but take university life with a wink. It's your time, so make the most of it — and have fun!

Our tip for you:

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